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Smallpox Vaccinations Verus Nature's Most Powerful Preventative

Date: 18 Dec 2002 21:46 46:33


Please read and forward this important article to your friends, military personnel, health workers, police and fire officials. Thanks and much love, Jackie Lindenbach and Ingri Cassel
Smallpox Vaccinations Versus Nature’s Most Powerful Preventative by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

People who put their faith and trust in the Bush administration’s smallpox vaccination program are foolish, if not suicidal. How so?

The potion is a 1950s brew of chemically treated, freeze dried, cow pus with mercury. It has been diluted five times from its original questionably effective, admittedly toxic, concentrate. You’d have to be extremely gullible to believe this ancient “immunization,” developed by a proven charlatan, would deliver physical salvation from modern strains of smallpox (i.e., variola) that have been significantly modified (i.e., “hyperweaponized”) by the world’s leading doctors of death working for the “Axis of Evil.”

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It was bad enough that scientific consensus voted on June 18, 2002, to restrict smallpox vaccinations to less than 15,000 “first responders.” Two days later, spin doctors, without any rational explanation, upped the target to 500,000. Another 500,000 military personnel were then added to help engage 280 million Americans expected to be quarantined with forced vaccinations at the first declaration of “outbreak.”

Meanwhile, myriad overlooked details about the history of smallpox vaccination programs, from Jenner’s time to the present, smacks of an ongoing deadly deception.

The Bush administration’s rapidly evolving World War III—a “holy war” against “terrorism”—has cast frightened and confused Americans into a microbial abyss. “White collar terrorists,” working for pharmaceutical industrialists wedded with the White House, have manipulated the media for manufactured madness. Evidence proves the current smallpox scam was being planned as early as 1999, possibly 1996. (See: Congressional testimony by Bioport’s Robert C. Myers, III at http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/anthrax/anthrax_espionage.htm

l) History repeats when you don’t learn it. How ironic. America is, supposedly, the greatest “superpower” the world has ever seen. Yet, today, our lethal nemesis is the same as it was in 1776 when “the King of Terrors in America” was the smallpox virus. It was never determined whether British or American operators loosed the agent during General Washington’s siege of Quebec City. In either case, the germ, forced the American Army to retreat that year. Later, the successful Anglo-American genocide that decimated the native populations of North America was determined due to smallpox infected bed bugs presented in Army blankets given as “gifts” to displaced Indians.

As we sow, we reap. This biological irony is best exemplified by the Rockefeller-linked American Type Culture Collection and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shipments of biological weapons, including anthrax and the West Nile Virus, to Iraq during the George H.W. Bush years. Thus, if Saddam Hussein currently has smallpox, as officials contend, it almost certainly came from the Bush family’s own benefactors and special interest groups that are poised to make a bloody fortune from the smallpox fright and impending “outbreak.”

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The Common Sense Solution

The most lethal biological weapon, Ebola, kills nine-out-of-ten people within three weeks of infection. Ten percent survive because of the strength of their immune systems, or what microbiologists call “host resistance.” Science proves immuno- competence is more powerful than anything else, including the number of germs, such as smallpox, that invade your body, and/or the virulence or strength of each strain.

Mostly, what determines immunity and longevity is your spirituality, connection to the Divine, and actualization of love. Don’t believe it? Want proof? Okay, consider this. Most physicians argue it’s all about genes. Many say immunity stems from diet and exercise. Others promote good hygiene. Advanced thinkers include all of the above, but here’s the rub. Numerous studies of the elderly (i.e., geriatric populations) show that the most common cause of disease and death is none of the above. It is the loss of a spouse. People die most readily of broken hearts. In these most numerous cases, genetics, purity of diet, exercise levels, and good hygiene, are less powerful than the longing to care and share with another person, intimately, in a meaningful way. Love is the fabric that binds two people, and civilization as a whole, together. It is the Divine spiritual expression that protects, restores, and uplifts human life, if not everything in the universe.

You might be inclined to disagree, saying, “But this is smallpox!” Certainly, the majority of people in the world are disinclined to place their full faith into something they can’t see, put in the bank, or place in their medicine cabinets. Then again, the majority of people in this world are arrogantly attached to defending the political ploys of the world’s greatest liars.

The Greatest Preventative and Unrecognized Truth
If you study history, you will find that every great plague has been preceded by major sociopolitical upheaval. Wars and dislocated populations give rise to the loss of loved ones, malnutrition, and unhygienic conditions. These have caused populations under siege to experience immunological exhaustion and failure. “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

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In Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, I advanced five steps to prepare your “Temple of Yah” (i.e., the Creator’s real name—not “doG” spelled backwards) to defend against smallpox and all other plagues. These powerful steps included:

  1. detoxification,

  2. deacidification,

  3. boosting natural immunity holistically,

  4. oxygenation, and

  5. bioelectrics.

Beyond these, I entertained five spiritual steps required to manifest miraculous recoveries from everything from colds to cancer. Now I urge you to consider that love, inspired by faith and trust in those with whom you intimately relate, whether it be a spouse or your Creator, enables and empowers each of the steps for optimal immunity, health, and longevity.

To reinforce this point, can any relationship be loving, lasting, or optimally productive without faith and trust? Consider a marriage between partners who don’t trust each other. Where’s the love in that? What about business associates who share little or no faith in their contract? Likewise, without faith and trust in your Creator, can this relationship bear any fruits, including love for Him and yourself as a remarkable creation and co-creator?

Obviously not.
Among the greatest historically hidden truths is that as a Holy child of Yah, your physical body is a crystallization of electromagnetic harmonies from a song so sweet that if you heard it you would weep. The Divine power resonating throughout your every pore, cell, and DNA strand, is so strong that, much like the flawless Kingdom of Heaven, illness and disease cannot coexist in this Blissful State. Nor can smallpox survive this most sacred hidden human paradigm.

So, if your immune system primarily reflects your faith, trust, love and spiritual Divinity, or lack thereof, consider this last point. Your immune system is an organization of white blood cell body guards that principally function to distinguish between self and non-self; between elements of your own host cells versus foreign invaders like smallpox. In this way, your immune system operates as a surveillance center working to enforce your truly natural magnificent identity and Divine harmony. Metaphysically and metaphorically, your self-concept, self- image, self-esteem, and self-love, reflects the faith and trust you have in yourself as a Divine creation, and co-creator, inspired for human service.

Therefore, if you are estranged from your true identity and self recognition; if you see yourself as less than capable, worthy, and divinely capable of manifesting miracles, then how can you expect your immune cells to recognize the difference between who you really are, and who you are not? It simply can’t. In essence, it fails for lack of self-love—a heart sickness that, like the death of a spouse, commonly kills quickly. Indeed, this truth can set people free of smallpox and every other disease. (end)

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About the Author:
Dr. Len Horowitz, is an award winning author and internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and bioterrorism. His books, audios and videotapes can be ordered online at www.healingcelebrations.com or by calling 1-888-508-4787.

The above article is among several excellent features in Smallpox Alert! a newpaper size publication of the national Vaccination Liberation (VacLib)organization available this week for distribution. This general consumer "alert" is a well documented resource for accurate smallpox information, currently unavailable through traditional media outlets. Smallpox Alert! includes: historical overviews of smallpox and smallpox vaccination programs; critical excerpts from the DryVax smallpox vaccine packet insert; statements made by officials at the CDC proving that its smallpox plan is the recipe for a public health disaster; and a variety of articles covering the full spectrum of smallpox and vaccine issues.

Packages of 100 Smallpox Alert! newspapers are available for $10 + $8 Shipping and Handling = Total $18, by calling 1-888-508- 4787 with your credit cards, or by mailing a check or M.O to:
Ingri Cassel, President
Vaccination Liberation - Idaho Chapter
P.O. Box 1444
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816
(208)255-2307/ 765-8421

Also be sure to read the other features and articles at http://www.allaboutsmallpox.com, and make your friends in the military, health industry, police and fire officials aware of this information as well.


Jackie Lindenbach and Ingri Cassel


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